Sobre Grecia II
Estoy leyendo los primeros capítulos de "This time is different" de Reinhart y Rogoff, un libro acerca de los distintos tipos de crisis financieras a lo largo de la historia, y llego a esta frase absolutamente pertinente para el sacudón que vive Europa en estos días a raíz de la baja de calificación de Grecia, Portugal y España. Los autores sostienen que los países con una historia de endeudamiento (defaulteadores seriales) tienen intolerancia por la deuda, esto es, que ratios de deuda PBI por encima del 40% (bastante bajas para las economías avanzadas) marcan un umbral de intolerancia de deuda en el caso de los defaulteadores seriales. Refiriéndose a la reciente crisis financiera originada en la crisis del subprime Reinhart y Rogoff (con clarividencia) sostienen:
"At the time of this writing, many emergin markets are implementing fiscal stimulus packages that mirror efforts in the advanced economies in order to jump-start their economies. Our analysis suggests that in the 'shadow of debt intolerance' such measures must be viewed with cuation, for widening deficits leave countries uncomfortably close to debt thresholds that have been associated with sever debt-servicing difficulties"
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"At the time of this writing, many emergin markets are implementing fiscal stimulus packages that mirror efforts in the advanced economies in order to jump-start their economies. Our analysis suggests that in the 'shadow of debt intolerance' such measures must be viewed with cuation, for widening deficits leave countries uncomfortably close to debt thresholds that have been associated with sever debt-servicing difficulties"
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